Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Brock turner, and such things..

my heart is so broken over this situation ( and all the situations like it) I just do not understand how people can go on blaming the victims for this. LORD help this generation. 
  They are never told no, they are the ones who think anything is theirs at anytime, and that it is their right...who can tell them no? 
....and we as a church? what are we doing to help these people who are hurt.Are we doing anything? We don't want to talk about it because it makes us so uncomfortable...but really what makes us more uncomfortable....having to talk about it, 
or helping someone when they have through it because we couldn't open our mouths??? 
....Lord HELP me open my eyes, and my heart to people who are hurting, and to people who need to see you. 
 I want to be there for people who are hurting...
 Lord just help me be more like you.

-a mom who is trying <3